Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Most Meaningful Experience

Wow, where do I even begin!! There have been sooo many meaningful experiences that I have had throughout this rotation that it will definitely be hard to pick one. For me, I think that one of the things that touched my heart the most was seeing how happy all of the kids at the La Plaine elementary school were to see us when we got there. All of them crowded right around us as soon as we got there and the smiles never left any of their faces the whole time we were there. I felt so good about everything we have done at that point and I right away felt like that was where all of our efforts showed the most. They were so happy to get those stress balls we brought down and all of those children's books! They were so cute about it and right away grabbed the books to immediately put them on the shelves. I have never felt so loved before by so many kids. None of them wanted to leave our side and I think that for me, it really made me try and put myself in their shoes and think about how grateful they are for the life they are living now. That is the attitude that I want for myself and for my family in the future. Be thankful for what you have, and enjoy each and everyday like there is nothing in this world that is holding you back from anything. I have also realized how much I truly love and adore kids! I have never really had a strong opinion on whether or not I want to have kids in the future but after experiencing all of the love and excitement in those kids we saw the other day, I don't think there is anything that compares to it. For me, this is what has touched me the most because I felt like if nothing else, just being there and showing all of those kids the hard work we have put in to get to this point in our careers, hopefully makes a lasting impression in their hearts.

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