Personally, the most meaningful experience to me took place today while we were visiting the House of Hope. At this home, which is very appropriately named, five disabled children and one disabled adult are taken care of around the clock. None of the children can speak and some of them can’t even walk. We had the opportunity to spend time playing with the children and boy what a humbling experience it was! I’ll admit that all five of us students were a bit nervous when we first walked into the room but I think after realizing how lovable these children were our hearts melted. It takes an extremely special person to work with and take care of disabled children - and even more so in a country where basic equipment such as wheelchairs and bedrails aren’t available. These special people preserve the health and well-being of the otherwise abandoned children, and they do it all with a smile on their face! Without a place like this, these kids wouldn’t survive on their own and would otherwise be left for dead. Being able to relieve these caregivers of their duties for just a few hours this morning and spend time with the children meant so much to me. A simple giggle or smile from a child like this can go a long way! I will forever be grateful for what these children and caregivers taught us today.
- Jess
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